Category: Oracle

June 15

On the oracle-l list of, Toon Koppelaars announced that Lex‘ and his book project, now has finished and he also recieved his first copies via DHL. Knowing the effort and the involved people, Lex de Haan and Toon Koppelaars, I only can imagine that it is a great book (I wasn’t one of the lucky people who got a brief insight via an electronic version). 🙂

I hope I can make some time to read it during my upcoming holiday. 😉

As Toon announced it on oracle-l:

Hi All,

I understand Lex was an active contributor to this list, so I thought
this might be of interest.

As some of you know Lex and I embarked upon a joint project at the end
of 2005 to write a book entitled “Applied Mathematics for Database
Professionals” (AM4DP in short). Due to unfortunate circumstances this
project took much longer than orignally planned.

But I’m pleased to be able to inform you that Lex’ last project is now
finished: DHL delivered my copies yesterday, so it is safe to assume
that the AM4DP book is available for the general public.

To give you an impression on what this book is about, here’s a list of
the chapters:

June 8

I noticed an new addition to the DBMS_XDB package a while ago named SETLISTENERLOCALACCESS that, despite it is part of a XMLDB package, was first seen by me on a APEX forum (it is not listed in the Oracle 10g manuals (eg. Oracle® Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference).

What does it do?

The manual (Oracle® Database Express Edition Installation Guide !) described it as follows:

4.4 Making Oracle Database XE Server Available to Remote Clients
After you install Oracle Database XE Server, its graphical user interface is only available from the local server, not remotely.

    Security Note:

    With remote HTTP access to Oracle Database XE, all information exchanged between the browser and the database is in clear text—that is, unencrypted—including database user names and passwords. If this is cause for concern, do not enable remote HTTP connection to the database.

Asking for an explanation on the XMLDB forum the following information was given:

June 8