Category: SQL*Net, Protocol Server

May 14

I once started this website because of the steep learning curve regarding XMLDB functionality. After one year of existence the following posts were written by mean , for me as a notepad to remember what I have learned and or checked, tested or figured out and to pass it on to all those who are interested in XMLDB functionality as well.

I hope these posts, this list provided here, will be of help, to make those first steps or help designing a working and performing XMLDB environment. There is still a lot to describe and learn and hopefully I have time to cover these in the second year to come.

Have fun reading.


December 15
November 1

After a lot of guess work and some fiddling around, I got the first steps figured out. There is only one entry, one reference, but this gave me a first step in the “right” direction…

NFS Protocol Listener Entry

Click on the picture to enlarge

Cool stuff (have a look).
