XML Posts After One Year

I once started this website because of the steep learning curve regarding XMLDB functionality. After one year of existence the following posts were written by mean , for me as a notepad to remember what I have learned and or checked, tested or figured out and to pass it on to all those who are interested in XMLDB functionality as well.

I hope these posts, this list provided here, will be of help, to make those first steps or help designing a working and performing XMLDB environment. There is still a lot to describe and learn and hopefully I have time to cover these in the second year to come.

Have fun reading.


Concepts & Design

XML Storage

XML Indexing

XQuery, Xpath, XSQL & XML Schemata

APEX, Native Database Webservices & Protocol Server

General & Whitepapers

OTN Forum Threads


From time to time this kind of content will be updated on the “XML Content” page.
See the “XML Content” link in the main menu.

Marco Gralike Written by: