Virtualbox download: Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.1

Just so you know, and if you still can keep up the pace…, the Oracle Enterprise Manager Virtualbox environment can be downloaded via It is available since the 21 of January and has a whopping total in size of 27+ GB when downloaded, unzipped and “merged” into one ova file.

When imported as a Virtualbox ova environment, the total size of the virtual machine will add up to ±60 GB. You will need 8 GB of RAM (really needed this time if you want some 13.1 hands-on experience) and I saw, has been a long time for me, that the Linux environment makes use of KDE.

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 03.48.55

See for some of the additional how to download info, etc., the last post about OEM 12cR5.

Tim has also already started his journey into the new look-and-feel or OEM 13.1, so have a quick look on new stuff and first thoughts from Tim here: OEM 13c articles (and Kellyn for that matter).

Anyway. Its time for me to get acquainted with this new look and feel. Hereby, thanks to the Oracle guys who supplied and set-up the Virtualbox environment and give us an short cut to see what’s new, what’s cool.



PS. A quick remark about the Virtualbox installation. When you want to deploy agents on a different Virtualbox environment, then be aware that iptables and ip6tables services are still enabled on the OEM 13cR1 environment. This will cause the agent deployment to fail. Have a quick look here how to disable those services: HowTo Disable The Iptables Firewall in Linux


Marco Gralike Written by: