Month: December 2008

December 24

One of the most (idiotic posts /) read posts on this website is “Oracle 11g – SQL*Plus Command Line Options“. Somehow syntax examples do well via Google…

(So before the end of the year I want to try if I can beat that one…).

The other post was created after a having made a typo on the command line.

Today, since a long long time, after seeing that help for sqlplus is installed during a default database install, I thought, lets check it once again..

The lists for reserved words for SQL and PL/SQL (in this case Oracle 11g) can be handy. The following is a simple method to check, that is if help is installed.


December 22

This is hopefully one of the first posts about how to secure, setup, a proper APEX environment seen from a DBA perspective. Because this website is mainly about XMLDB, it is also about the XDB protocol server and currently not about using Apache or the (apparently another way of doing things) new upcoming APEX Listener.

The behavior of the XDB Protocol Server is controlled by its xdbconfig.xml file. This xdbconfig.xml file is restricted to an XML Schema called xdbconfig.xsd. Both can be found in the XMLDB folders. The xdbconfig.xml can be found in the root folder. The xdbconfig.xsd file is part of Oracle XML Schemata and can be found in the /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/ folder.

The xdbconfig.xml and xdbconfig.xsd files are, as all files and folders in XMLDB, secured/controlled via Access Control Lists, ACL files. The xdbconfig.xml file is controlled via the /sys/acls/all_owner_acl.xml ACL file. The xdbconfig.xsd file is controlled via the /sys/acls/bootstrap_acl.xml ACL file.

The security ACL settings for those files (resources as files and folders are called in XMLDB):


December 21