Another Presentation Coming Up

It looks like XMLDB is gaining some momentum, because I will have another chance to present which I gratefully accepted. A new Dutch DBA Symposium will be given on the 27th of May this year.

Given by DBA’s for DBA’s. Except of course Toon Koppelaars. He isn’t one, so he claimed already Victory via his tag line ”One of the best presentations, if not the best, of the conference”. I will do my utmost to match his challenge (but probably I will lose anyway…), so in all I hope that I can attend his presentation once again.

The other great speakers are:

  • Harald van Breederode
  • Rick van Ek
  • Leon Schipper
  • Peter van Capelle
  • Bernhard de Cock Buning
  • Jacco Landlust
  • Gerwin Hendriksen
  • Frits Hoogland

The presentations will be given in Dutch, so if you want to attend, pick up some extra info here: Oracle DBA Symposium


Marco Gralike Written by:


  1. March 14

    That is funny.

    While you wrote your comment here; I was just writing an “Dominic overview of his Hotsos presentation” subsection for a Dutch Magazine article about “Hotsos 2008”.

    The general outline off your section will be “the beauty of the solution by its simplicity”.


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