Tomorrows presentation

Tomorrows presentation at AMIS, will be my first test run for my UKOUG presentation in December, Birmingham. It took me a while to get the red herring from my braincells onto a Powerpoint presentation. To be honest, I am still not really pleased with it. It lacks some coherency, but I almost now for sure that it will be there when I start of and introduce my audience into the wonderful (sometimes confusing) world of XMLDB.

I will address a lot of DBA viewpoints on to the matter. One of them is: why to store XML in a database anyway. Having a “relational mindset”, it is not easy to convince me (even harder the audience) to prove the point that it has a lot of opportunities (contra storing it for instance on disk). Data integrity and performance are mayor points to deal with.

I will start of with an hour introducing the audience into the goody stuff, like WebDAV or NDWS (native database web services). After a break (and dinner) I will continue about storing (and HOW to store it) XML into the database, following through all the hard lessons learned during my last three years working with XMLDB and the things learned on the XMLDB OTN Forum site (grateful for all the great examples, especially from Mark Drake). Both sessions are especially useful for architects and DBA people, although my second one (the one for UKOUG) will prove a little bit difficult for XMLDB newbies.

After, again a small break, my colleague Harm Verschuren will continue with some high level concepts how he implemented the XMLDB architecture for exchanging data. What I have seen from his slides, this one will also need some extra energy to grasp the concepts, though Harm is a good presenter, so I guess he will do fine.

Still interested? Not afraid to hear it in Dutch đŸ˜‰

Have a go here: AMIS Query

Marco Gralike Written by: